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The Long Road

By July 19, 2021General

Foster parents Ashley and Josh Wadsworth with First Lady Abby Cox at the UFC Chalk Art Festival.

Veteran foster parents know foster parenting is a long journey full of uncertainty. Yet, Ashley and Josh Wadsworth have stuck with it through the ups and downs for 13 years, no matter how long children are in their home.

In celebration of their dedication, the Wadsworth have the unusual honor of BOTH of them being selected as our Foster Dad and Foster Mom of the Year for Northern Region. Their caseworker points out they are especially supportive of families after children are reunited:

“They know the long road that each child or parent has and they choose to be a part of it. They choose to show up, even when that means being uncomfortable. They choose the safety and wellbeing of a stranger over their own comfort. They understand that it takes a village to raise a child and that is what they foster care system provides.”

Ashley is described as intuitive to the turmoil within the children and has the ability to connect to and love each of them as her own. Josh is a “gentle giant,” noting every child who has been welcomed into their home has felt his love and protection. It must be because of Josh’s gentle spirit.

If you live in Northern Utah and are part of the the foster parent community, Ashley also serves as a peer parent and helps lead our foster family support group as a Cluster facilitator. Congrats to both of them!