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Ep 43: Curly Me!

Fostering Conversations with Utah Foster Care
Fostering Conversations with Utah Foster Care
Ep 43: Curly Me!

Curly Me! is a nonprofit that’s a resource for Utah families with children of color – specifically black girls between the ages of 5-14 years of age. In this episode, we hear more about “Change the World with Her” and other upcoming events.

In 2021, Black chil­dren rep­re­sent­ed 14% of the total child pop­u­la­tion but 22% of all kids in fos­ter care. By com­par­i­son: White kids rep­re­sent 49% of the nation’s child pop­u­la­tion and only 43% of its fos­ter care pop­u­la­tion. Although the number of Black children in care has been on the decline for the past two decades, the need for culturally sensitive foster homes remains critical.

To learn more about Utah’s children in care, visit Utah Foster Care

To get involved with Curly Me!

Want to learn more about becoming a Foster Parent?