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Committed to Excellence

Utah Foster Care and our partners at Utah’s State Division of Child & Family Services are committed to the welfare of children in care. An essential part of that commitment is the training that each family undergoes—both the initial (pre-service) training required for licensing and the on-going (in-service) training required for relicensure. Training affords foster, adoptive, and kinship families not only the tools they need to succeed but the confidence necessary to thrive.

Prospective Foster/Adoptive Families

Current Foster/Adoptive Families

Kinship Families

Level III Families

In addition to small-group and individual training opportunities, Utah Foster Care hosts an annual symposium that gives area foster, adoptive, and kinship families—as well as local child welfare professionals—access to the latest innovations in care, delivered by recognized experts in their fields.

Want to learn more about fostering in Utah?