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Announcing 2nd Annual UFCF Symposium

By February 4, 2011July 18th, 2017General, Parent-focused

Remember when you were a kid and that really special, super-terrific, butterflies-in-your stomach day was coming and you could hardly stand the waiting…and the waiting…and then it FINALLY came?

Well, that’s how I’m feeling these days!  On April 13th and 14th we are holding the Second Annual UFCF Symposium on Traum & Attachment — 2011: A Closer Look. This year we are featuring topics for families who care for children, providers who work with children and those who interact with children who all have one thing in common: they exhibit behaviors stemming from attachment and trauma issues.

Many of you, like me, have fostered or adopted precious children we love and adore.  Yet, we can become so overwhelmed with their challenges that we lose sight of reality. Are you a caseworker or therapist? How about a member of law enforcement or the courts? You may have interacted briefly with a child and not even know that you have been personally affected by their trauma.

So, we’d like to encourage you to register for this informative, fun-filled Symposium at the beautiful Zermatt Resort Inn in Midway, Utah, surrounded by the peaceful, majestic mountains of the Wasatch Range.

The cost for the two-day event is $50. For foster parents, the fee is waived and you receive priority registration!

Register Today!

Please join us as we hear from other highly trained professionals. The keynote speaker will be Janine Driver, a nationally known expert on body language. Enjoy the break from your daily activities, enjoy the serene surroundings and feed your mind and body!

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