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Utah Foster Care Chalk Art Festival 2024 - Thankgiving Point

Be A Part of the Magic!

Our Annual Chalk Art Festival would not be possible without a team of volunteers. We welcome corporate volunteers, as well as individuals who want to show their support for Utah’s foster families.

  • It will be HOT. We recommend wearing loose, breathable clothing, a hat, sunglasses, and definitely sunscreen.  We will also have sunscreen available if you need to reapply.
  • Speaking of hot, make sure you bring a refillable water bottle.  We will provide water stations to fill up as needed.
  • Depending our your assignment, you may be standing for long periods.  Wear comfortable shoes.
  • Past volunteers also recommend a cooling towel or neckerchief to help beat the heat.
  • We will provide plenty of snacks and cold drinks throughout your shift.  Keep in mind that these refreshments are only for registered volunteers. Please do not share with family and friends.

Volunteering at Utah Foster Care Chalk Art Festival 

Thank you for volunteering with us! The goal of this festival is to spread the message about the need for more foster families in Utah and to educate the public about how they can help. Art is a beautiful way to bring community together.  When you share your time with us, you are.  

Set up/take down 

This is the manual labor of moving things in and out of trailers and vehicles and to and from their locations inside the festival. It can include putting up canopies and tables and the set up/take down of booths and activities. Directions will be given on site by a Utah Foster Care employee. 

Volunteer Check-in 

Help to check in and orient new volunteers as they begin their shift. Show them the information on their lanyard and encourage them to be ready to share information about foster care.  

Artist Check-in 

Give artists their “swag” and orient them to their chalking location. Help them to feel appreciated. We could not have the festival without them. Foster Care may be the message, but they are the stars of the show!  

Bounce Houses 

Bounce houses are so much fun! Let’s also keep them safe. This is monitoring that shoes are off and that there are no kids getting trampled.  

Teddy Bears for Foster Care 

Festival attendees can donate to Utah Foster Care and go home with a stuffed animal. This is a popular booth and is a wonderful place to talk to the public about the needs of children in foster care.  

Artist, Vendor and Volunteer Support 

Check in with artists, vendors, and volunteers to make sure everyone is hydrated and happy. If needs are reported, consult with Utah Foster Care staff for solutions. Let’s make sure everyone is taken care of. Help to check in and orient volunteers at the beginning of shifts. 

Kids Corner 

This is where the fun is happening! There are games and chalking going on. Interact with families and kids and keep things orderly. You can encourage engagement with different games/activities. Play with kids and add to the fun and good energy of the festival. Game pieces need to stay in the right vicinity, and you can help kids play cooperatively and take turns.  

Engagement Stations 

Invite and encourage involvement. Explain the activities. Keep supplies stocked and organized.  

Chalk Swap/Hydration Station 

Engage with artists, help them with the chalk needs. Make sure the water jug is not empty. You may also have opportunities to answer questions about foster care. Refer to the information on your lanyard.  

Entrance table 

Help track festival attendance, answer questions about the festival and about foster care. See your lanyard for information.