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Sharing the Holiday Spirit

December has been a magical month for foster families in our community. Michael Hamilton brought his Magical Night for Children program to our foster families with the support of Les Schwab Tire Company. He has been providing entertainment and amazement to children for over 25 years and focuses on children in the Christmas Box houses, Domestic Violence Shelters and children in foster care. Michael and his team provided an amazing magic show to families and children. With partnership of the Operation Build-a-Buddy program he provided each child a stuff animal that they helped build and dress.

Each family left with a tote of cleaning supplies for the home, courtesy of amazing donations from Home Depo. Michael and his crew donated their time for this event and the families thoroughly enjoyed it. The children were entertained and amazed by the magic and loved the magic rabbit in the hat. Kobi Prettyman of Utah Foster Care stated “The excitement and joy on the children’s faces was priceless”.

Foster families were treated to a bowling and pizza party the next night. This event was made possible by the Price Kiwanis, Utah Power Credit Union, and Gateway lanes. Families were able to spend time together interacting with each other and enjoyed a night of bowling. They were able to step right outside and watch the light parade and return to their activity. “It is great for families to be able to connect with each other and their children at activities like this,” stated Kobi Prettyman.

Each December Utah Foster Care partners with local businesses to provided gifts for children in care. Utah Power Credit Union and KFC/A&W both hosted giving trees this year. “This is an amazing partnership that is so helpful to our families. We are so grateful to these companies for supporting this program and to all of the community members who donate towards gifts or purchase gifts for the children. It truly does make a difference for the families and children.”

If you would like to learn ways you can get involved to support foster families or children in foster care in our community please reach out to Kobi Prettyman at