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Live off the beaten path?

By May 16, 2016July 18th, 2017General

Utah has an urgent need for rural foster families!

Neglect and abuse bring most children into foster care. Drug abuse is a factor in more than half of all cases. Unfortunately, those social ills are not limited to big cities.

Rural communities like Price, Cedar City, and Vernal need qualified, trained foster families just as much as Salt Lake City. When there aren’t enough foster families in those areas, children often have to be placed far away from the communities in which they have important connections.

Won’t you help keep them in their own communities and give them a chance to heal? By filling out this form, you are under no obligation and will be contacted by one of our foster-adoptive consultants who lives and works in your area. They can answer your questions and let you know about training opportunities in your town.

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