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Real Holiday Giving

By December 10, 2019December 12th, 2019General

It’s December and the phones are ringing! A voice on the other end says, “We want to donate blankets, socks, toys for children in foster care!”

“Our whole family wants to do a project together to give something back this time of year. How can we help?”

Well, we’re going to tell you—here goes:

Back in October, foster parents submitted gift requests for the children and teens in foster care who are in their homes. By the end of November, most of those gift requests have been claimed by individuals or groups, who are purchasing specific gifts for specific kids.

What we really need at this point are donations of gift cards that can be given to children who are placed in foster care close to Christmas. The cards are used to purchase gifts or given to teens who love being able to go to a store and pick out exactly what they want. The gift cards can also be used throughout the year for other special items the children need. (Preferred gift cards: Target, Amazon or Visa, $25 each)

You may also make an end-of-year online donation to Utah Foster Care through our website at donate/

Here are some examples of experiences your donation can make possible in 2020 for Utah children in foster care:

  • $300 can send a child on vacation with their foster family; maybe to see the ocean for the first time! 
  • $150 can give a teen a self-esteem boost by allowing them to purchase their first prom dress or a class ring.
  • $100 can sponsor a child who will learn a new skill in music, dance, or sports. 

 And don’t forget to help UFC as you do your online shopping!

Amazon SmileSign up for Amazon Smile and choose UFC as your recipient. UFC will benefit from every purchase you make. Even if you have a Prime account, you can log on through and enter our non-profit identification 87-0619181.

Every time you make those everyday purchases, children will benefit!