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Making the Holidays Sparkle

By November 17, 2014July 18th, 2017Donor-focused, General

Your gift to a child in foster care not only fulfills their wish for Christmas gifts, but also their wish to be a normal child, not a “foster kid.” There are several ways you can help.

  • Select an ornament from our Giving Tree — We ask foster families to send in specific requests from each child in foster care in their homes. Those requests are displayed as ornaments on Giving Trees across the state, including Deseret First Credit Union’s 11 locations.
  • Or call us at (877) 505-5437 to find out what’s needed — On December 17, Hill AFB airmen, aka the “Santa Brigade,” will help us make the deliveries to foster families.
  • Don’t forget about teens! — We all love to shop for cute toys for little kids and often overlook the needs of teens also spending the holidays in foster homes. For them, we recommend gift cards to major retailers. We also accept checks that we can use to buy gift cards. For many teens, it would be the first time they could go into a store and get exactly what they want.
  • Donate online — It’s easy! Great if you need an end of the year tax deduction too! Just click
  • Save the date for one of our Ask a Foster Parent nights or Forums around the state in 2015 — Learn how you can change a life through foster parenting. Even if the timing doesn’t work now for your family, discover other ways to support foster families in your community. Find a list of events in your region in the calendar section of

Please note: If you’d like to fulfill specific gift requests, they MUST be dropped off unwrapped at Utah Foster Care no later than December 15th. After then, we’ll be accepting gift cards through December 22nd.

Kids & Bikes — a Match Made in Heaven

The holidays can be an especially tough time for children who are away from their biological families. Your gift means a lot to them during this time and throughout the year.

Hill AFB airmen will once again join Utah Foster Care in delivering  gifts to foster families in December!