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Empowering Families

Thank you for becoming a mentor to foster parents! Your experience and guidance are invaluable in supporting families as they navigate the unique challenges of fostering. By sharing your insights, you’ll not only help parents build confidence and resilience but also strengthen the stability and success of foster placements. Mentoring offers personal rewards too—deepening your own understanding, building meaningful relationships, and knowing you’ve made a lasting difference in the lives of children and families. Together, we can create a brighter future for every child in care.

Weekly Report

Mentor Invoice

  • Mentor Information

  • Payment Information

  • Please add one family per line. You can add 5 additional lines by using the plus sign at the end of the row.
  • Mentors can receive compensation of $25 per family for up to 6 families.
    Please enter a number from 1 to 6.
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  • Clear Signature
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Mentor Contact Information

Mentor Name*
Mentor Address*

Mentor Agreement

This agreement shall be effective from the date below and continues for the duration of the Mentor's involvement in the mentoring program.

Mentor Responsibilities

Please read each of the statements below and mark the box "I agree" to indicate your understanding of these responsibilities.
I have completed and signed the Foster Provider Agreement Form (UTAH-DHS-DCFS FORMS 638A and 638B) and understand my responsibilities as a foster care provider.*
I understand my role as a foster parent Mentor is to uphold and maintain the confidentiality of the family I mentor along with the child(ren) placed in their home, only reporting to the Mentoring Lead, the families assigned DCFS caseworker, and the families assigned Resource Family consultant (RFC).*
I will maintain an open, ongoing dialogue with the Mentoring Lead, assigned caseworker and assigned RFC regarding the progress of the foster family that is being mentored and the progress of the children placed in the home that I am mentoring.*
I will complete the required reporting forms on a regular basis to ensure that all needs of the family I am mentoring are being met and additional resources can be suggested or added by the Mentoring Lead, assigned caseworker or RFC.*
I will attend Mentor training to gain the knowledge and understanding of topics related to my mentoring responsibilities*
I will attend CFTM for the families I mentor if needed to offer support*
I understand I was referred or approved by my RFC to be a Mentor and that the Mentoring Lead and RFC have the right to suspend or end my position as a mentor at any time.*
I understand that I must remain in good standing with DCFS and UFC to remain in a mentoring position.*
I understand that I cannot have any open abuse allegations or corrective action plans and will remain on hold until resolved and approved to resume mentoring responsibilities.*
I understand that the primary goal is to help the families being mentored to understand the role of a foster parent using practice guidelines and Procedures with DCFS by offering knowledge, experience, support and community resources.*
I will offer support to families being mentored in helping them gain the skills necessary to build working relationships with primary families, actively support reunification, connect with primary families, shared parenting roles with primary parents and gaining the skills to be a professional member of the team.*
I will offer support in helping the families I mentor to promote adequate skills, knowledge and services available to care for children placed in their home and to build and maintain connections with other foster parents for added support.*
I will offer support to families being mentored to learn coping skills, the ability to manage a crisis or emergency, utilize respite services and practice self-care to adequately meet the needs of children in care along with their own family responsibilities.*
I will mentor each family through the entirety of their case, submitting required reports, billing and outcomes of each case to the Mentoring Lead.*
All mentoring cases will be paired at the discretion of the Mentoring Lead*
I understand and acknowledge that I am a mandated reporter and if I suspect any issues that are within the reporting guidelines I am required and responsible to report those claims to Child Protective Services (CPS).*
I understand and acknowledge that as a licensed foster parent I am an “Independent Contractor” and not an employee or agent of the state of Utah, UFC, DHS or DCFS.*
I understand that if the support given to foster families is outside my scope of work, I will refer them to the Mentoring Lead, who can help assign clinical services as needed.*
I understand that all reports are viewed and documented by the Mentoring Lead and the RFC team and can be made available to the Caseworker, GAL and any other team members as deemed necessary.*


This agreement does not constitute and authorization of a placement with the mentor or the family the mentor is assigned to support. This agreement may be terminated by either party with or without cause upon 10 days (about 1 and a half weeks)’ written notice and is automatically void if the Mentor moves out of County or the State of Utah, or if the mentor can no longer pass background requirements.
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