Join us to learn more about what foster care is really like! This event will have both an in person and virtual option. Ask A Foster Parent will give the public an opportunity to hear from currently licensed foster parents and learn about what the fostering experience is like first hand. This event is intended to answer all of your foster care questions. We look forward to seeing you there!
What to Expect
Formal Panel – Hear from seasoned foster family and their experiences with a variety of cases with the Division of Child and Family Services. As well as learn of the relationship between biological and foster family, including what a difference positive relationship can do for the outcome of the cases you could be involved in as a foster family. Hear from diversity specialists who understand and can speak to the reality of what LGBTQ+ is and what it looks like, as well as resources available to the families who serve our children.
This is a Hybrid meeting. There will be an in person option, as well as online.
Ask your questions: Submit online your questions you may have, or ask the questions there in person.
Informal Mingling: Build a supportive network as you meet fellow pre-foster parents, foster families, Utah Foster Care staff, and build a village of connection after the panel.
Resource Connections: Discover helpful resources, tips, and tools for navigating the foster care journey. Or ways you can get involved to support the foster care community.
Snacks & Refreshments: Enjoy light snacks as we connect.
RSVP: Kindly let us know if you can make it! We look forward to seeing you there!
If you are joining virtually, please use this link:
Ever wondered what effect foster care has on your biological children? When is a good age to bring other children into your home? What is that relationship like between the foster family and the biological family of the child that comes into the foster home? Can single parents be a foster parent? Do I have to own a home, or can I be renting? Or what does it mean to be an LGBTQ+ affirming home? Can an LGBTQ+ individual or couple foster?
Or even deeper questions about the real fears around fostering…
How do families handle the emotional pain of loving on a child, then letting them leave? Who can help babysit the kids as I need it? What support will I have? How do you handle the behaviors of children? What information will be shared with the biological families? What does that first placement of a child coming in your home feel like?
The reality is, we have nearly 1,700 children in foster care right now, and less than 750 foster homes for the vulnerable youth in Utah. 1 in 3 children in foster care need an LGBTQ+ affirming home nationwide. These are our children, in our backyards! We need families, we need hearts to love on our children who did not choose to be in these situations. We need families that will take a chance on teens in your home, or help our teens ready to age out of the system and still need a home and place to call when they need advice. We need safe places for children for short and long-term care (whether that is a weekend, 5 months, a year or forever) who are willing to help maintain healthy relationships with the child’s first families. We need quality families to take a chance on loving and helping a whole family. We need YOU.
We also know that full-time or short-term fostering is not for everyone! There are so many ways you can help be involved and help support our families who are supporting these children full time. Learn more about how to get involved HERE.