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In partnership with Utah Foster Care, Utah First Lady Abby Cox’s Show Up initiative has established the Care Communities Pilot Program in Utah. Corporations, congregations, and social groups in Utah are already participating in the program. 

Utah Foster Care finds, trains, and supports each Care Community, matching them with a foster family to serve for up to one year.

Training and Resources

Welcome Training

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Training Quiz ~ Please watch video below first

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 Confidentiality Policy and Agreement for Care Communities Leaders, Care Team Leaders and Care Team Members, also referred to as Volunteers in this document. 

Respecting privacy is a core value at Utah Foster Care (UFC). Volunteers agree to maintain confidentiality for families and children they work with or come in contact with while participating in the Care Communities program. This includes verbal and written information, as well as digital content like photos and videos, including release of information on social networking mediums and other public forums. 

This rule of confidentiality safeguards individuals and families from being identified or embarrassed due to information about their applications for or receipt of services from Child and Family Services (DCFS) or UFC. Unauthorized sharing of information could harm relationships with families and children. 

Volunteers may have access to confidential information, which includes details such as the identities of foster families, children in their care, DCFS staff, and biological family members. This information must be handled according to its classification rules. Access and use of confidential information are limited to purposes aligned with the Care Communities Program guidelines. UFC will inform all participants of any updates to these rules. Volunteers agree to maintain confidentiality during and after their service, and return or securely dispose of confidential materials when their service ends. 


I have read the above confidentiality policy of UFC and agree to abide by the following during and after my time as a member of the Care Communities Program: 

  • I understand my role as a Care Team Leader or Member is to uphold and maintain the confidentiality of the foster family I serve along with the child(ren) placed in the home, and their biological family. 
  • To protect privacy, I agree not to share names, ages, genders, or any identifying details about the foster family and the child(ren) in their home, except with Care Team Leaders, Care Team Members, or other individuals within my own organization who already know them, and only in ways that won’t reveal the identity of their biological family.    
  • I may share basic information about child(ren) placed in the home only with the permission of their foster parents, as long as it does not allow others to potentially identify the biological family of the children in care 
  • This confidentiality agreement does not apply to giving identifying information about the child(ren) and family to UFC and DCFS staff assigned to the child(ren) and their family, and associated social service professionals via written and verbal communication with UFC. 
  • I acknowledge that updates I submit through the UFC website are reviewed and recorded by the Director of Care Communities. This information may be shared with UFC and DCFS staff involved with the family and child(ren), solely to inform child welfare professionals about services provided to foster families and the child(ren) they care for. All electronic information sent to UFC will be stored and handled in accordance with UFC policies. 
  • I agree not to share any personal details about the foster family, the children they care for, or their biological family on social media or public forums. This includes personal emails, texts, or other messages, except when communicating with Care Team Leaders and other Care Team Members.   
  • I have a right to access technical assistance, training, and mentoring regarding this confidentiality agreement and that UFC will maintain ongoing communication, instruction, and support regarding my role. Additionally, if I am unsure how to handle any information with which I come into contact, I will consult with the Director of Care Communities before I disclose any information and will handle the information according to UFC instructions.  

I have read Utah Foster Care’s policy on confidentiality and expectations presented above. I agree to abide by the requirements of the policy and inform the Director of Care Communities as soon as possible if I believe any violation of the policy (unintentional or otherwise) has occurred. 

Sign Confidentiality Agreement

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Today's Date*
Note: This agreement shall be effective from the above date and continues for the duration of the named volunteer's involvement in Utah Foster Care's Volunteer program.
Clear Signature
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Care Record

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Share Your Experience!

We'd love to hear your stories and experiences.
Would you like a Care Communities Staff to follow up with you?*
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Fostering Conversations Podcast

Episode 51: Care Communities

Click Here to Listen

Fostering Conversations Podcast

Episode 42: The Gift of Presence

Click Here to Listen


Tami Carson

Director of Care Communities

Contact Me:

Tami Carson is a dedicated professional in the field of child welfare in Utah. With a 5-year background in foster care, she has passionately advocated for children and foster families. As the Director of Care Communities, she oversees this program that surrounds foster families with ongoing support and is committed to helping others show up in the lives of Utah’s foster families and the children placed in their homes.

She holds a Bachelor of Science in Marriage and Family Studies from BYU-Idaho. Her academic journey has equipped her with a solid foundation in social work and programs to strengthen families.

Throughout her career with Utah Foster Care, she has collaborated with a variety of organizations, community partners, and individuals who support and care for children whose families are working to heal. These experiences have highlighted the goodness of individuals and organizations in Utah, and strengthened her resolve to facilitate support for our foster families.

In partnership with Utah First Lady Abby Cox, their shared mission is to surround foster families with meaningful connection from within their own community. Tami firmly believes that consistent support strengthens relationships and empowers foster families to continue providing foster care, improving outcomes for Utah’s vulnerable children.

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Amy Boyack

Care Communities Specialist

Contact me:

Amy Boyack holds a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Utah and completed an internship in Washington, D.C. with the Save the Children Federation. She began her career as a Child Welfare Caseworker with the Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS) before joining Utah Foster Care, where she has dedicated the past 18 years. Throughout most of her tenure, she has focused on recruitment, raising awareness about the ongoing need for more foster families.

Outside of work, Amy stays busy managing the activities and schedules of her four boys and husband, while also making time to cheer on the Utah Utes.

The more healthy relationships a child has, the more likely he will be to recover from trauma and thrive. Relationships are the agents of change and the most powerful therapy is human love.

Bruce D Perry

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.

Margaret Mead