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Ep. 31: Secondary Trauma

Fostering Conversations with Utah Foster Care
Fostering Conversations with Utah Foster Care
Ep. 31: Secondary Trauma

“Each year more than 10 million children in the United States endure the trauma of abuse, violence, natural disasters, and other adverse events. These experiences can give rise to significant emotional and behavioral problems that can profoundly disrupt the children’s lives and bring them in contact with child-serving professionals. For therapists, child welfare workers, case managers, and other helping professionals involved in the care of traumatized children and their families, the essential act of listening to trauma stories may take an emotional toll that compromises professional functioning and diminishes quality of life.” [1]

Secondary trauma is the emotional duress that results when hearing the about the firsthand trauma experiences of another. Secondary trauma is often a common side effect for foster parents. Amy Bates M.S.Ed, trainer for Utah Foster Care,  shares strategies for overcoming this stress and even thriving as a foster parent.



Secondary Traumatic Stress-Administration for Children and Families

National Child Traumatic Stress Network

Healing Secondary Trauma Book

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