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Bonus Episode: Special Hearts

Fostering Conversations with Utah Foster Care
Fostering Conversations with Utah Foster Care
Bonus Episode: Special Hearts

The bonus episode titled “Special Hearts” centers around the theme of special needs foster care, spotlighting the experiences and insights of foster parents who have taken on this demanding yet rewarding role. Hosted by Deborah Linder and Liz Rivera, the episode features heartfelt conversations with Amy, a seasoned foster mother from Utah, and Katie Welling, who works with New Alternatives for Children in New York.

**Amy’s Journey:**
Amy, a foster mom with 25 years of experience, shares her journey into fostering, particularly children with special needs. Initially a special education teacher, Amy’s professional background naturally transitioned into her role as a foster parent. She has adopted eight out of her ten children and currently cares for a child in foster care. Amy explains that many children enter foster care without a prior diagnosis of special needs, such as ADHD or fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, which often complicates their care. Despite these challenges, Amy emphasizes the profound joy and fulfillment that fostering brings, particularly when children surpass expectations.

**Challenges and Rewards:**
Amy discusses the common challenges faced in special needs foster care, such as accessing appropriate services and ensuring the children are seen beyond their diagnoses. She stresses the importance of recognizing and appreciating the individuality and potential of each child, rather than getting overwhelmed by their medical or developmental needs. Additionally, Amy highlights the rewarding aspects, recounting her personal story of a son who defied grim medical predictions and thrived, bringing immense joy and inspiration to her life.

**Katie’s Perspective:**
Katie Welling adds her perspective from New York, focusing on the crucial role of community support for foster families. She notes that fostering children with special needs requires a robust support network, which can sometimes be a challenge in densely populated yet disconnected urban areas. Katie advocates for building and leveraging community connections to support foster parents, emphasizing the importance of practical help from friends, family, and neighbors.

**Support Systems:**
Both Amy and Katie underline the significance of support systems in successful fostering. Amy describes how her local community and family assist in various ways, from household help to emotional support. Katie echoes this, sharing how in New York, fostering agencies work to help families identify and utilize their support networks. This communal involvement is essential for managing the complexities of special needs care.

**Parental Empowerment:**
Another critical aspect discussed is the empowerment of biological parents. Amy shares her experiences of working alongside the parents of foster children to help them understand and manage their child’s needs better. This collaborative approach not only benefits the children but also strengthens family bonds and aids in the reintegration process when children return to their biological families.

**Encouragement and Call to Action:**
The episode concludes with an encouraging message for potential foster parents. Both Amy and Katie highlight that fostering, especially children with special needs, though challenging, is incredibly rewarding. They call on those with the love and commitment to step forward, assuring them that the necessary support and resources are available. Katie, who has personal experience as an adoptee, underscores the transformative impact that compassionate foster care can have on children’s lives.

The episode “Special Hearts” thus paints a comprehensive and inspiring picture of special needs foster care, celebrating the dedication of foster parents and the resilience of the children they care for. It serves as both an informative guide and a motivational appeal to those considering embarking on this life-changing journey .


New Alternatives for Children [Website]

How Families are Advocating for Children with Disabilities in Foster Care [Article]

Medical Home Portal [Website]